Down the Garden Path Radio Show

April in the Garden

So much to discuss in this April episode of Down the Garden Path. Everyone is anxious for Spring weather to begin. Matthew gives an update on what is happening in the nursery… hint.. trees are arriving, along with cold-hardy annuals. Matthew and Joanne chat about the reasons why we should actually stay OUT of the …Read more

August in the Garden

  ‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW In our new monthly feature, Matthew and I  discuss August in the Garden. August is the month where the garden can really get away from you. We go through a list of areas to deal with in August. There is a lot to think about in the August garden; …Read more

July in the Garden

‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW In this episode, we discuss gardening tasks for the July Garden. This is the last month to trim your evergreens, but also a great time to prune your flowering shrubs, especially if they are getting out of hand or taking over the garden. A topic we seem to talk …Read more

Fertilizers in the Garden

  ” DOWN THE GARDEN PATH ” Radio Show  In this episode, Matthew Dressing goes solo and discusses Fertilizers in the Garden. What is a fertilizer? Four categories of fertilizers. Matthew shares how much to fertilize, when to fertilize and more so tune in for more great help to maintain your low maintenance garden.    

June in the Garden

June in the Garden

  “DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO June in the Garden on this episode of Down the Garden Path, co- Host Matthew Dressing and I talk about the June Garden, some Do’s and Don’ts. The weather has certainly been a challenge so we talk all about coping with the rain we have been having during the whole month …Read more

Taking Action with Ontario Invasive Plant Council

Ontario Invasive Plant Council Grow Me instead

      ” DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW Taking Action with Ontario Invasive Plant Council. I chat with Colin Classin, Project Specialist with the Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) for this very informative episode.  We discuss their Grow Me Instead program, invasive species and the impact that they have on our environment. Furthermore, we …Read more

Maintaining Your Summer Vegetable Garden

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW This week is all about vegetables. Matt and I discuss the key tips to maintaining a vegetable garden through out the hot summer months. From choosing the proper location, to matching the crop with the season, we cover it all. Remember, it’s never too late to start your own …Read more

More about Ponds with Aquascape

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW We learn more about ponds and the ecosystems within them with Aquascape, Inc. this week. In this show, Matthew Dressing and I learn all about the Aquascape Ecosystem Pond approach. Ernest Williams educates us on water treatments, beneficial bacteria and best practices in pond maintenance. We discuss the importance of plants …Read more

Spring Garden and Lawn Questions

  “DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW It is all about Spring Garden and Lawn this week on the show. Co-host Matthew Dressing and I discuss Spring Garden and Lawn tips as well as tricks for your May Garden. We aim to answer all of the Spring gardening questions you may have.  

Spring Pruning Questions

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW Spring pruning questions answered. This week co-host Matthew Dressing and I chat about Spring in the garden. We answer your questions about spring pruning and plant care. Listen in for some helpful tips and suggestions for your Spring garden.

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