Growing Cannabis. Whether you are a lifelong gardener or just beginning your journey, there is one plant we are all talking about. Cannabis. On this episode of Down the Garden Path we take a look at this controversial plant. What is it, how it’s grown and what laws and regulations face Canadians with Cannabis’ recent legalization.
Each week on Down the Garden Path we discuss down to earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens and landscapes. As Landscape Designers and gardeners we think it is important and possible to have great gardens that are low maintenance. Thanks for joining us here.
Haven Toronto
For medical marijuana, there are several options. Some Toronto Dispensary shops can provide relief from pain and migraines. Some of these places offer different dosages. To buy a small amount, you need a prescription from your doctor. Alternatively, you can buy it at a dispensary or buy it online. It is important to note that the dispensary has a large selection of products. You can also find edibles and sniffing pods at these stores