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Looking Into Your Local Horticultural Society

Looking Into Your Local Horticultural Societies   Local Horticultural Society’s and Garden clubs and their volunteers play a crucial role in many communities large and small and their work is often unrealized.  I have written about how my membership in my local Horticultural Society led me to a career that I love in the past but …Read more

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Sue Green, Chair of the Whitby in Bloom Committee

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… I am learning all about the local Whitby in Bloom program with Sue Green, chair of the Whitby in Bloom Committee. This Committee of Council for the Town of Whitby, is dedicated to fostering civic pride, environmental awareness and beautification through community participation and education. Listen in to learn all …Read more

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Pat deVilliers, Chair of The Peterborough Garden Show

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… Joining me tonight is the 2016 chair of the Peterborough Garden Show, Pat deVilliers. Listen in to learn all about the organization of this lovely and very popular garden show! We chat about the different highlights of the show, such as the Children’s Garden, Floral Design Competition, Speakers Room and more. …Read more

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