
Down2Earth Pinterest

Tips For October

1. Now is a great time to divide your hostas. 2. Refrain from trimming Japanese Maples or Evergreens like cedars and yews. 3. Now is the best time to plant garlic in your garden in a sunny spot, even amongst your shrubs.  Here’s my video on how to do it. 4. If a plant is …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

Fall Checklist And Tips For October To Make The Most Of Your Garden


Remove spent summer flowering plants from containers and replace with Fall Blooming Mums or Ornamental Kale.   Dispose of any diseased or infested plant debris, to avoid overwintering the problem.   Continue to remove weeds especially seed heads to prevent weeds for next year.   Divide and move perennials.   Time to plant spring bulbs. …Read more

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