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September Garden To do’s

Mildew on Ninebark

Lawns Water weekly to help lawns recover from being dormant during the heat of the summer. As mentioned above September is the time to apply Nematodes for grub prevention. It is important to water your lawn well before and after application to increase success. If you need additional help listen to these episodes of Down …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

Perennial Talk

with Gardens Plus’ Dawn Golloher Each week on Down the Garden Path, we discuss down-to-earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens and landscapes. As landscape designers and gardeners, we believe it is important and possible to have great gardens that are low maintenance.  Joining me on Down the Garden Path this week for Perennial Talk …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

August in the Garden

  ‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW In our new monthly feature, Matthew and I  discuss August in the Garden. August is the month where the garden can really get away from you. We go through a list of areas to deal with in August. There is a lot to think about in the August garden; …Read more

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