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Growing Herbs

with Julia Dimakos This month on Down the Garden Path podcast, landscape designers Joanne Shaw and Matthew Dressing begin their month-long look at edible gardening. In this episode, all-star guest Julia Dimakos returns to the podcast to discuss growing herbs and her new e-book How to Plan a Vegetable Garden, available now at About …Read more

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Starting & Saving Seeds: Grow the Perfect Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers for Your Garden

Have you ever been curious about saving seeds from your veggies or flowers? Do you like the idea of growing flowers from seeds that you harvested? We are and we do! Each week on Down the Garden Path Joanne Shaw and Matthew Dressing, discuss down to earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens and …Read more

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6 Low Maintenance Plants That Will Help You Help Bees


I think we can all do our part in helping the bees. There are many low-maintenance plants that we can add to our gardens to attract this important pollinator. Here are a few that have a place in almost any garden. PERENNIALS   HERBS A low maintenance solution and can even be kept in a …Read more

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