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Applying Nematodes

**In this week’s episode of Down the Garden Path, we present an encore presentation of our Applying Nematodes podcast.** In this episode of Down the Garden Path, we discuss applying nematodes, the primary method homeowners here in Canada use to control pests such as grubs on our lawn. It’s been a heavy Japanese beetle season …Read more

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September in the Garden

**In this week’s episode of Down the Garden Path, we present an encore presentation of our popular September in the Garden podcast.** Although September marks the end of summer and the gradual change to fall, it doesn’t have to signify the end of the gardening season. In fact, September should be a wonderful time in …Read more

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Applying Nematodes

Did you have Japanese Beetles in your Garden this summer? Did you know that not only are these a nuisance in the garden and on our plants but these colourful insects also lay thousands of eggs in our lawns and those eggs become GRUBS! Environmentally friendly Nematodes are our own tool against grubs. Last check …Read more

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August in the Garden

  ‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW In our new monthly feature, Matthew and I  discuss August in the Garden. August is the month where the garden can really get away from you. We go through a list of areas to deal with in August. There is a lot to think about in the August garden; …Read more

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The Environmental Factor

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… This week my guest Lorelei Hepburn from The Environmental Factor joins me to discuss natural lawn care, specifically Nematodes. We talk about the different varieties of Nematodes and the best time to use them. Great information for solving many of your lawn problems. Listen and enjoy!  

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