
Down2Earth Pinterest

August in the Garden

August can be a challenging month in the garden. The heat is unrelenting and the weeds are growing strong. It’s right around now that our plants can start to look a little tired or spent, and as gardeners, it can be a difficult time because we may be a little tired and spent ourselves! In …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

August in the Garden

  ‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW In our new monthly feature, Matthew and I  discuss August in the Garden. August is the month where the garden can really get away from you. We go through a list of areas to deal with in August. There is a lot to think about in the August garden; …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

Taking Action with Ontario Invasive Plant Council

Ontario Invasive Plant Council Grow Me instead

      ” DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW Taking Action with Ontario Invasive Plant Council. I chat with Colin Classin, Project Specialist with the Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC) for this very informative episode.  We discuss their Grow Me Instead program, invasive species and the impact that they have on our environment. Furthermore, we …Read more

Down2Earth Pinterest

Sometimes it’s okay to say “No thank you!”

If you are new to gardening or a new home owner you will quickly realize how generous gardeners can be. Once they hear that you are working on a new garden or have moved to a new house without a garden, they are more than happy to share! A few words of caution: practice saying, “thanks …Read more

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