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Growing Indoors

with Gardening Girl Julia Dimakos We’re kicking off the month of February with our first “growing indoors” episode of Down the Garden Path. In this podcast, we discuss growing indoors and with grow lights with Gardening Girl Julia Dimakos. Julia started growing food after having children and fell in love with it!  She gardens organically and …Read more

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Looking Forward to 2021

Happy New Year! We’re closing out the month of January with our first Down the Garden Path podcast of the year. Join us as we take a look forward to 2021. In this week’s podcast, learn more about: What Joanne and Matthew have been doing over the past few months The hot topics that were …Read more

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Oh, the Weather Outside

Oh, the weather outside! Snow came early to southern Ontario last week and put an abrupt end to many of our gardening chores. Each week on Down the Garden Path, professional landscape designers Joanne Shaw and Matthew Dressing discuss down-to-earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens and landscapes. We do our best to bring …Read more

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November in the Garden

‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW AND PODCAST  In our regularly scheduled monthly episode on Down the Garden Path. Matthew and Joanne discuss many of the to do’s in the November Garden. The importance of continuing to water, especially for newly planted evergreens. Now is also a good time to transplant trees, shrubs and perennials. Find …Read more

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Winterizing Products for Your Garden

‘DOWN THE GARDEN PATH’ RADIO SHOW AND PODCAST On this weeks episode of Down the Garden Path Matthew and I discuss the top products you will need to winterize your garden and landscape. We discuss how you should protect the plants currently in your garden. What materials you can use to protect them. How do you …Read more

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Top Garden Myths from Melanie Rekola

As a landscape designer and certified horticulturalist, I come across a lot of misconceptions when it comes to gardening. Myth 1: Cedar trees attract mosquitoes Reality: In nature, cedar grows in moist soil, which mosquitoes adore. It’s not actually the cedar that attracts them though mosquitoes are attracted to shaded environments of any type. Myth 2: …Read more

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Holiday Plant Inspiration

It’s that time of year where landscape lovers and gardeners can go green with their gifts. Follow along as I lay out my fave winter picks for the Christmas and holiday season!   Amaryllis Bulbs and kits can be found almost everywhere as soon as the pumpkins are out of the grocery stores and nurseries. They …Read more

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Davey Tree

Davey Tree Expert Company

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… I had a great time chatting with  Jason Eenling from Davey Tree. We talked about issues that homeowners are facing with their trees. Everything from Winter care, Storm prep, Emerald Ash Borer and more. Tune in to this really informative show.

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