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September Grab Bag

In this week’s episode of Down the Garden Path, landscape designers Matthew Dressing and Joanne Shaw cover a variety of gardening topics in their September Grab Bag podcast. Join them as they answer listener questions and share with you what is happening in the garden centre and in their own gardens. Some of the topics …Read more

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Lawns in crisis?

Lawn care is the number one challenge for most homeowners right now. Each week on Down the Garden Path Joanne Shaw and Matthew Dressing, discuss down to earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens and landscapes. In each episode, we bring you interesting, relevant and helpful topics to help you achieve a great garden. We learn …Read more

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October To Do’s with Matthew Dressing, Horticulturalist

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… It is all about October To Do‘s in the garden this week. Joining me in studio once again is Horticulturalist, Matthew Dressing. We discuss the best ways to prepare your garden and lawn for Winter, from weeds to leaves. We cover a lot of practical tips to help keep …Read more

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Evaluating Your Garden with Joanne Shaw

“DOWN THE GARDEN PATH” RADIO SHOW… This episode is all about evaluating your garden. September is a perfect time to evaluate your garden. I share some things to look for in your garden and make some suggestions for you to implement during the cooler fall temperatures and more importantly how to get a jump on Spring.

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Top Tips For October Garden To Do’s


Perennials *    This is the perfect time to plant spring bulbs. Shop early for best varieties.  I recommend planting a majority of Daffodils or Alliums because the squirrels do not like those bulbs. *    Before a frost is a really good time to divide and move perennials, especially for perennials like hostas, ornamental grasses and …Read more

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October Tips For The Yard And Garden

1. Aerate lawn, add top dresser and apply grass seed to lawns 2. Plant garlic, it is easy to grow 3. Weed lawn and garden to prevent more weeds in spring 4. Add shredded leaves to the garden beds 5. Keep watering during fall dry spells

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Apply These 5 Tips This Fall For A Healthy Green Weed-Free Lawn

Even though I have been designing some fun gardens that include removing high needs grass from your yards, I know everyone isn’t ready to give up on their green carpets just yet, especially in the front yard. So for those of you still determined to have a healthy green, weed free lawn here are some …Read more

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