Protect Japanese Maples With Burlap

Waterfall Japanese MapleThe ornamental trees that should be protected with burlap in the winter are Japanese Maples, especially the ones planted this past season.

The best way to protect this tender tree is to water well into the fall. After its leaves have dropped put 4 wooden stakes in the ground around the perimeter of the tree and then wrap the stakes with burlap to create a screen. The stakes should be about 1.5′ to 2′ away from the trunk.

We still want the tree to get the snow cover but want to protect the tree from the winter wind until its roots are firmly established. This should only need to be done for the first 2 years.

7 Responses to Protect Japanese Maples With Burlap

    Linda Whyte

    When do you remove the burlap in the spring?

      Joanne Shaw

      You can remove at the end of March. Once the threat of really cold winds have subsided.


    Hi there. Does it matter if the burlap touches the branches?
    Thanks for your help.

    Tony Toscano

    Refreshing to have such good and simple advice! Thank You so much…

      Joanne Shaw

      You are welcome. Glad it helped.


    I have a small one I planted last year, Would putting a foam pool noodle around the trunk help or would that hurt? We get a ton of snow and below freezing temps here.

      Joanne Shaw

      Hi Jackie,
      If you want to protect the trunk from critters then I would use the white plastic tree wrap to put around the trunk.
      Otherwise go ahead and stake it and wrap the burlap around the stakes. Remember the snow is fine for the Japanese Maple, it is
      the wind that you want to protect if from. Good luck.

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